Chapter 4: Academic Affairs

Chapter 4: Academic Affairs

Chapter 4: Academic Affairs

Board Policy Title Administrative
BP 4010 Academic Calendar AP 4010
BP 4020 Program, Curriculum, and Course Development AP 4020
AP Only Program Research and Recommendation AP 4021
AP Only Course Approval AP 4022
BP 4025  Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education  
AP Only Catalog Rights AP 4027
BP 4030 Academic Freedom AP 4030
BP 4040 Library Services  
BP 4050 Articulation AP 4050
AP Only Tech Prep Articulation and Credit by Examination AP 4055
BP 4060 Delineation of Functions Agreements  
BP 4070 Auditing and Auditing Fees AP 4070
AP Only Standards for Credit Hour Calculations AP 4080
BP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates AP 4100
AP Only Independent Study AP 4101
AP Only Work Experience AP 4103
AP Only Contract Education AP 4104
AP Only Distance Education AP 4105
BP 4106 Nursing Programs  
BP 4110 Honorary Degrees AP 4110
BP 4220 Standards of Scholarship  
AP Only Remedial Coursework AP 4222
BP 4223 Human Subjects Research AP 4223
BP 4225 Course Repetition AP 4225
BP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments AP 4226
AP Only Repeatable Courses AP 4227
AP Only Course Repetition - Significant Lapse of Time AP 4228
AP Only Course Repetition - Variable Units AP 4229
BP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols AP 4230
BP 4231 Grade Changes AP 4231
AP Only Pass/No Pass AP 4232
BP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning AP 4235
BP 4240 Academic Renewal AP 4240
BP 4250 Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission AP 4250
AP Only Disqualification and Dismissal AP 4255
BP 4260 Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites AP 4260
BP 4300

Field Trips and Excursions Forms:

AP 4300
BP 4400 Community Services Programs  
AP Only Instructional Service Agreements AP 4610